Starts at 60 Freelance Articles Written on Money
Freelancing, I wrote two articles and also edited about six articles for Startsat60 in 2019. This one was about Bill Smoothing, which was created from personal experience and research.
The other one was about Money Personality, from an interview personally done with Greg Smith, an author. It doesn’t carry my credit, but I was paid for it.

Besides Startsat60, I also wrote for Hotspotting.com.au in 2012 – several articles about property investing, including undertaking interviews.
Money Muse and other blog writing
I have also written a lot of content about superannuation, money saving, earning more income from freelancing, etc.
This helps promote my money management books. I now write on personal branding and niche marketing approaches.
Feel free to ask about personal finance writing for your unique needs. We can also write or edit blogs on money management, tax concerns, accounting and SMSFs. This is tailored to the Australian tax and super laws and ideals.

Check out my Listicle post at Money Muse: 10 Ways to Invest $500,000
1,500-word article.