6 Key Steps Essential to the Success of any Email Marketing Program

Want to know how to nurture new prospects with an Email Marketing program? Here are the 6 key steps essential to the success of any email marketing program:


  1. Build your email list

Having subscribers on your own platform is the best way to build a business so you’re not at the mercy or the whims of social media. In order for your email marketing campaign to be effective, have your email list ready and de-duplicated to save time and effort. For example, you can import a 100 subscribers’ list and send your email in under 10 minutes.

Furthermore, you can also label your lists in accordance with customer subsets or book genres or particular book sold. You just have to think carefully about how best to segregate the list.

  1. Set email marketing campaign goals

Know your goals. Of course, your goals will be different for each type of campaign. Plan your email marketing campaign ahead in order for it to become effective. If you plan to send your subscriber a newsletter email every month, have your plans ready a month before implementing your campaign.


planning email newsletter

3. Plan your value-added emails

Your emails need to be thought through and carefully crafted to add value. Catch your reader’s attention right from the subject line. Did you know that 33% of people open emails based on the subject line alone? (SuperOffice)

You might think it yucky but putting in names into email content will be more likely to keep the interest of your readers. Studies showed that personalising email subject lines leads to a 22% increase in open rate. (Outreach.io)

Put yourself in readers’ shoes, so you know what to write in your email to avoid them getting bored while reading. Let your readers get to know you and your business’ ‘personality’ by having an interesting and friendly introduction to each email newsletter.

4. Determine what type of emails you’re sending

Know what kind of email you’re sending and what you want it to achieve. Don’t waste time thinking about what to write each time you open your email marketing system. Know your target readers, and what they want to learn about.

So, there are three kinds of emails basically:

  1. The regular newsletter, where 2-3 article summaries and tidbits on your expert area are given.
  2. The autoresponders to a subscriber lead magnet offered, which reminds and follows on from that theme
  3. The promotional email, with something of value to offer they may not spot elsewhere.

5. Schedule your email sequence

Choose your time carefully. You don’t want your email to get lost amongst the other emails that come in all at 8-9 am. Have your emails scheduled based on when most emails are opened, according to your system’s reports. In general, the best time to send would be around 1:00 PM and around 7:00 pm, according to GetResponse’s data.

6. Review your email sequence data

Know your open rate, click through and unsubscribe rates, as they each hold clues about where to improve in the future.

In order to measure the effectiveness of your email marketing campaign, these three rate metrics are like your compass. Open rate measures how many readers opened your emails. Click-through rate measures how many readers clicked the links inside your email. Unsubscribe rate measures how many of your subscribers click the unsubscribed button.

The marketer has to review the email sequence data from time to time to determine which is the exact area that can be worked on and can help you interpret these..

How Much Does an Email Content Writer Charge?

Rachel’s List (2019) said that a content writer to write email content would range from $50-80 ph, but if you need the copy optimised for keywords or interviews with subject matter experts, then expect to pay more. She suggested $400–700 per blog post for researched, interviewed or technical blog posts. Unfortunately, this first figure is way out of date. Just to keep apace, most medium-experienced copywriters must charge between $100 – $130 per hour. This means you cannot go to a reputable freelance copywriter and get your marketing emails written all that affordably.

Simple solution: get all your email content written by Power of Words, with a base blog or email content writing rate of $75 per hour, no matter the complexity needed. Power of Words rewards loyalty and, bonus, it keeps the services inside Australia!

Plus, when you sign up for a content marketing package, you will get more attention to your marketing program for the best possible rates. Guaranteed.