Make Your Words Come Alive… Copywriter Confessions

Copywriter confession #1.   I confess I have written thousands and thousands of uncaring words:  words that persuade; words that strive to create authority, words that lure the reader into a promotion.

Then again, I have also written words that stemmed from the heart. These words are on my personal blog. Often I only post once I have learned a particular thing. Other smaller updates on Facebook or LinkedIn are top-of-mind and are intended to help or guide.

But I also read other people’s marketing copy. Much of it is familiar.

Copywriter confession #2.   I confess I was tempted to re-write the formulaic copy of another copywriter many times, but I stopped and re-read the USP (unique selling proposition) until my eyes swam with wavy lines. That USP will become like the main umbrella, off which many valid selling points of each service/product will flow. A strong framework holds an umbrella in a gust of wind.

How to Win Leads and Influence People

Swathed in keywords, the message is trotted out in urgent, conversational tones, like you the reader are a dear friend. The product a brilliant thing you really must try, but be quick because this offer is only available till the 25th. The coaching service a necessity, due its time-saving, stress-relieving nature… The business-boosting advantage of this service is way more useful than a cup of tea. Features, benefits, advantages: these are the copywriter’s utensils.

So go be a web copywriter, write the web afire with your keyword rich, benefit-laden copy.  Do not write what ‘comes to mind’. Do not re-write the meaningless jargon that is currently afloat in the marketing flotsam and jetsam.

Simple words, short words, easily-understood sentences: this is the only prose we need.

We don’t need to ‘sell out’ to sell… just confess your previous writer sins and learn how to write from the heart.

Take your background, your paradigm, your life meaning to the art of copywriting. Where types of business writing are as many and varied as fine art: speeches, white papers, case studies, how-to articles, journals, industry news. Give those pieces authentic life and richness.

Learn How to Write Copy from Book Stories

Think of all the narratives, each with their own distinct voice. A compelling, real story and a present tense action and dialogue to tell it — how divine.  A powerful message of hope within a memoir. Same with your copy. One time, I wrote about the experience of receiving, opening and using the product as if I was the awaited user.

Headlines Sell

Headlines – make them catchy and to the point. Let’s find the best headline we can, the most intriguing. You already know that snappy book titles sell books, while headlines in web blogs or copy ‘sell’ the content.

See these books below to help you learn how to write headlines and copy.

Headlines that make you rich – by David Garfinkel