Starting a Freelance Business is Not All Passion

Do you have a lot of passion to start and run a freelance business? Put that passion aside for a minute… as it can easily get in the way of success. Our how to start a freelance business – in Australia book will show you how tending to areas like budgeting, positioning, and writing useful content will put you on the right path.

Do you know what area you’re going to be in yet? It’s crucial, we’ve found, to put your best foot forward in a distinctive niche – rather than being yet another graphic designer.  Or are you further along and know what to go into… but haven’t yet attended to all the finer details of setting up a successful business? Details like voicemail message, website, business name, bookkeeping system, etc.

In the little book, How to Start a Freelance Business, you’ll get really simple advice on:

  • Choosing a Specialty
  • Your Positioning in the Marketplace
  • Business Setup and Costs (managing in the first year)
  • Finding Freelance Work, including the importance of referrals
  • Marketing your Services
  • Website Planning, and
  • Information Marketing (in your downtime).


A business book for those who dislike reading dense text

Because of the coloured headings, you’ll find it incredibly easy to scan. A glossary explains the modern marketing terms used, while a table on the Social Media types (9 or more) provides ideas for social media use.

As it is for those eager to start out with a simple service, this book is not longwinded. At only 97 pages long, it’s just enough to get you started on all the facets you need… particularly for Australians.

Guest freelancers also tell of their experience in freelancing, giving open and honest advice for new starters. Your own mindset is a big part of a winning formula!

Buy How to Start a Freelance Business: in Australia online ($22-30)… or buy the book from the author here for $23 including shipping.

How to Start a Freelance Business in Australia