Have you reached the end of your tether with your everyday finances? Do you want to create a better life, where money is in your control and not in control of you? Then this book is for you. It details the elements behind many of our money struggles (including the author’s own story).
Tuning into our beliefs, values and the way we think is the key. But we go a step beyond creating a prosperity mindset — as you also need solid financial principles.
The Seven Pillars of Financial Sense will help you:
• balance the budget
• eradicate personal debt
• plan your financial life
• protect what you have
• make more income from teaching others, and
• prepare to invest or take action.
Also find out about the Envelope system and the Monthly Bill Smoothing system!
Create Your New Life of Abundance
Author: Jennifer Lancaster Category: Personal Finance Publisher: Power of Words Published: 30 Sep, 2016 ISBN: 9780980411294 Pages: 99 Buy E-BookHave you reached the end of your tether with your everyday finances? Do you want to create a better life, where money is in your control and not in control of you? Then this book is for you. It details the elements behind many of our money struggles (including the author’s own story).
Tuning into our beliefs, values and the way we think is the key. But we go a step beyond creating a prosperity mindset — as you also need solid financial principles.
The Seven Pillars of Financial Sense will help you:
• balance the budget
• eradicate personal debt
• plan your financial life
• protect what you have
• make more income from teaching others, and
• prepare to invest or take action.
Also find out about the Envelope system and the Monthly Bill Smoothing system!