Handbook publishing support

Recently we completed editing and typesetting of a Prenatal Yoga Handbook, mainly for yoga teachers. It contained over 81 hand-drawn illustrations that needed to be re-saved as smaller, grayscale format and inserted — as per the requirements of print on demand. Handbook publishing support is just part of what we do.

Regarding the final result, it was superbly finished and the tables came out nicely. The cover designed by Heather of Art & Design Studios was colourful and the whole thing stood out.

yoga handbook publishing support

What Type of Books/Handbooks Can You Make?

Handbooks for teachers are just one of many types of books you can get made with Print on Demand. Print on Demand books can be paperback (perfect bound usually) or hardback. It can also include high res photographs and be a different shape to usual, for those architectural or website design portfolio books.

If you think what your students or your clients really want to know, there is a book format for it. And you don’t have to put it in a binder and muck about!

  • How To books, like the Dummies series on complex topics. 200 – 300 pages.
  • Tips books, like my Power Marketing book, help people with different ideas and their pros/cons. 100 – 250 pages.
  • Your story plus learning examples. This style is great because it uses the power of story and yet readers can learn a lot from varied honest and raw anecdotes.
  • Experts tell all. Like the “Secrets of…” series, this is where you interview experts on a topic and follow a set structure so readers get key takeaways. Also good for offering a freebie bonus at the end of each section – e.g. an audio download, which helps the expert grow their own list. They like that!


Where Should You Distribute Your Handbooks?

Handbooks that illustrate various techniques are tuition guides for a niche audience. While large publishers don’t want a bar of such a select group, as a master, trainer or coach, you can distribute and sell the handbooks through:

a) your students

b) your other suppliers, e.g. associations you belong to, clubs you teach at, even the place that sells you the coffee you use at work!

c) offering to teach one simple element at relevant networking events, and sell them there

Think creatively about distribution, because just relying on the mass book retailers is not going to reach your niche audience as effectively. Your handbook needs to appear where no other books are being sold. Look what it did for Rich Dad, Poor Dad, who started selling the books in petrol stations, of all places!

You can get full handbook publishing support from me, Jennifer Lancaster, a book publishing coach.