Copywriting for Solar Xpress
For these Solar system installers, Power of Words was tasked with an optimised copy makeover!
Our Approach
A reputable local solar panel provider with 33 years experience were getting their website designed by BizzDesign and needed some specific and optimised copy written.
We did specific keyword research, looked at competitor sites, and also checked what their testimonials said. Then we looked up how big the current solar systems are, and deliberated on cost benefits.

SolarXpress Home Page

Commercial Solar Page Copywriting
For the commercial solar page, we summarised some key benefits made on their slide presentation then added a few finishing touches.
The sub-headings make their selling points stand out.
– J. Wilson, BizzDesign
Our SEO Copywriting History goes way back…
… Way back to 2008. We started off with reading SEO: An Hour a Day, along with delving into the back end plugins and apps that help with SEO.
We have written on roof restoration benefits for a high-quality website and some articles about solar panels. Once we wrote about those cute Bali Huts. And we are experts in finding untapped ‘long tail keywords’ for our client’s pages!